Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fitzroy Kindy Visit

The Fitzroy Kindy Family were going on an outing and kindly invited us to use their special place while they were away. We took our Room Eight buddy class with us and walked down for an hour. We had a great time with our buddies playing with everything. Enjoy some of the photos of Fitzroy children playing with instruments,play dough, dress ups and blocks. We had fun outside too on the equipment. Thank you to the Kindy for inviting us! We didn't want to leave!

Monday, May 21, 2012

We had an exciting  and interesting visit by some of the armed defenders squad last week and they arrived by our own Taranaki Rescue Helicopter. We were able to ask questions and learn about their role in our communities. Check out the photo of us in front of the police van.

Our Vist Last Week

Monday, March 12, 2012

We have had a busy few weeks and look forward to sharing photos with you all soon. Our little people can all be very proud of their start to school and are already enthusiastic readers and writers. We are welcoming new children to our Fitzroy Family each week and our classsroom is growing quickly.
We have had six weeks of swimming lessons and all have mastered some new skills during the lessons.
We had a lovely day at Brooklands Zoo and Pukekura Park with all the Junior School last week on a warm and sunny day. We were fortunate to share the day with some Grandparents, Mums and Dads as our parent helpers. We thank them for coming and valued their support and assistance.
Photos will be posted on the site in the next few days. Enjoy the last few days of Day light saving .

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Physical Education

We had our first lesson with our expert teacher from Kelly Sports on Friday to teach us the correct technique for running. We have to remember to use bent arms, look straight ahead and run on our toes. We will practise during this week before our next lesson.

Bayly from Room 10 brought an amazing birds nest to share with us on Friday.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our Art Gallery Visit

We had an interesting visit to the Len Lye exibition yesterday. There were 13 excited children boarding the bus for our first adventure of the term.We even had seatbelts on the bus.
We were greeted by the Teacher for the session and she took us through all the artworks on display. At the end of our session we created dance moves inspired by the works we had seen. Even our wonderful parent helpers joined in the creative dancing.
We are looking forward to creating our own sculptures based on what we saw . So watch this space to see photos of our imaginative creations.